Here is some artwork I've done for the band. The animation above was done as a test for a new music video we're currently working on. I recently switched from flash, to Toon Boom Animate Pro and I have to say, I like it a lot better. The drawing tools are easier to use, and it makes traditional animation way faster. I painted the backgrounds In photo-shop, and composed the final scenes using Adobe After effects, and Premiere. I also used Preston Blair's book "Cartoon Animation" as a reference guide. Some of the animation is a little bit choppy, but like I said, It's a test. I am by no means a professional animator, so this is definitely a learning experience.
This is a graphic I did for our website, which is currently under construction. It's two of our mascots, Sex Pig, and Robo-Sexual. I was thinking about using this design as a t-shirt, or maybe a sticker. This was also done in photo shop. It was one of the first things I've created with my new Wacom Cintiq 12wx. They cost a lot of money, but are definitely worth it. I recommend getting one if you are trying to get into graphic design, illustration, or animation. It's the next best thing to drawing on paper, It will speed up your work, and save you a lot of time.
This is a painting I made for one of our songs "Bambi Sandwich". It's supposed to be me, but I look like I'm on meth or something. When we finish recording the song, we're gonna make an animated video for it, but in the is a live version.
( Testosteroso Live at the Lizard Lounge 8/21/10)
This was a comic book design we made based off the video for the Testo Theme (Click here to watch it!!!). I was going to make it into a ten page comic using the characters we created, but I'm too lazy for that shit. Plus, most of the characters died in the video, so I guess it wouldn't make much sense. I'm not very good at drawing in that style anyway. That's probably why my drawings look so weird, I suck at anatomy. The only thing I usually can draw really good, our tits. I spend a lot of time drawing them, and studying them.

I got bored one day and decided to make the entire band in Garbage Pail Kid form. I only did Cody and I. I collected GPK cards growing up, and also had the movie( Which I watched not too long ago, and remembered how awesomely bad it is). That's probably why I'm so fucked in the head. I love how much detail goes into making these cute little babies do gross shit.
This is the cover to our 3 song e.p. (Click here to download it for free!!!) This again has our mascot Sex pig. This is an older version of her, I drew her kinda fat. It has the songs "Kick you in the Vagina", "Mail Order Bride", and "TESTOSTEROSO THEME" on it.
And finally, this is a drawing of what I look like making these things. It's funny because, this is what I look like right now typing this shit. And yes, I do have a bottle of pepto at my desk at all times. I hope to do more animated videos in the future, but they take a long time to make. Maybe If I became unemployed I could actually get some shit done.
You seem to have a lot of creativity. You don't see that often nowadays, in the music industry. Kudos, and keep up the good work!
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