In this adventure, we follow Reginald Fitzgibbons on his quest to save the space princess from the clutches of the evil Dr. Kaporkian. Along the way he Teams up with Codan the Barbarian, Morrison the Wizard King, and Legelias. With their help, they take the castle of Kaporkian by storm, and thwart his diabolical plan to turn the space princess into his piggy sex slave.
This video took a few months to make. We made it on our free time, and I'm pretty sure I spent most of my paychecks within that time on this video. We basically wanted to make power rangers meets heavy metal. At one point I became unemployed, so I spent every free moment making cheesy puppets out of cardboard, great stuff foam insulation, and stuffed animals my dog chewed up. I got sooooo into making props for this video, that I added more and more to the plot (or what there is of it.). I built the laboratory in my moms basement. My boss helped me paint, and make the cave entrance, which is made out of pink foam carved with filet knives. The one day working on the cave, he missed the foam, and cut through his thumb. He was bleeding pretty bad, but he wrapped it up with a rag and continued working. That's dedication!
The other bloody part of this video, was the pigs head we used at the end. We got it at the butchers shops for 20 bucks. When I got home I opened it up and realized they took its eyes out. So I replaced them with goofy cartoon looking ones. Then, we had to get an apple in its mouth, which you think would be easy considering it's done fairly often. It took two of us to break the jaw open, and squeeze the apple in its mouth. It was so fuckin' gross. It had stubble, and a double chin. It was like putting your hand into the mouth of a forty year old dead guy.
The video was filmed by our good friend Dylan Stern-Courney. He does most of our videos, and he always does an amazing job! My friends Mike Lombardo and Tina Yanni created the make-up for the pig doctor. They did an awesome job. Mike also starred as the pig doctor. It was great having him around, because he is very experienced in film making. Check out his videos!!!
He would point out continuity errors that I would have never noticed, and he was fun to work with. We also had our friend Jason Pohlig do some of the final edits, and special effects for this. He also makes some cool horror videos, for Slightly Strange Studios.
Because of how cheap and tacky this video is, we obviously couldn't pay actors to be in it.
We had our friend Mandi, who is a model play the space princess. Which was cool having a chick on a saw table in her underwear all day, even though it was a bit distracting. My boss played the wizard, mainly because our bass player was supposed to, but he quit the band. Our friends Ethan Tuthill, and Matt Rimmer played the guards. Kelly, and Julia McMullen Played the cave girls. And Jason Pohlig played the Mecha-Testo.
All in all, It was a fun experience making a low budget sci-fi flick. Maybe someday in the future we'll make a sequel. Until then, Here's the blooper reel!!!
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